President’s Blog: September 2016

Timothy F. Harley


September signals that dreaded for some, delightful for others:  end of summer.  And leaves many of us asking…”where did it go?”  We hope you have had a great summer and are telling folks about your recent trip to the Jimmy Stewart Museum—or—that you are planning with friends a trip to this very special tribute.

We are very pleased to report that the highly rated travel guide TRIP ADVISOR has presented this museum a 2016 Award of Excellence, as a top travel destination.  This designation is not only the result of having the premier collection on James Stewart, but as well for the high-quality of the presentation and the overall museum experience—-that means, We have an exceptional staff awaiting your arrival!  This award is based on actual reports of folks who have visited us here and enjoyed our “all things Jimmy” experience.

For your fall and holiday shopping we are unveiling a range of new Stewart related items in our Museum Shop.  Many of our new gift items feature a reproduction of Mr. Stewart’s signature.  Others, and these new items tie closely with our Values Education Initiatives, and should help us spread the good word of utilizing Stewart’s personal history and roles as positive examples for values and ethics educational opportunities. Many of us are familiar with the thoughtful advice James Stewart gave to his daughters as they departed for college for the first time: “Always remember, be nice to people.”  We will use this motto on a range of new T-shirts and sweatshirts for the fall.  Our DVD collection of Stewart titles is offering some hard to find Stewart films.  Stop in the Museum Shop, there is no charge for visiting our store.

We here at the museum know very well that the legacy of James Stewart is timeless, and remain committed to disseminating the inspiring life history of our hero.  Surprising to some, this legacy is still meaningful and relevant and will continue to be long after you and I are gone.  So!  No surprise that the museum will be hosting a film crew coming to us—-The Jimmy Stewart Museum —from Paris! Yes, we have been working with the Stewart Family and securing all the rights and permissions for this documentary film, some of which will be filmed right in our museum!

Folks, there is a great matinee line-up for September and as always, the great film introductions of Josh Widdowson.  In conjunction with the very popular Appalachian Folk Festival being held here in Indiana the weekend of September 9-11, the museum will feature for that week-end matinee the Stewart classic “Shenandoah.”  Be sure to check the matinee schedule for the other great films for September.

Something else to always remember is that the Jimmy Stewart Museum is a fantastic setting for your next event.  We have had weddings, anniversaries, birthdays and even romantic dinners and a movie for two!  Call the office for our new Celebrate with Us brochure.  Our rates are very competitive and our setting unforgettable.

As ever,

Thanks for listening,

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